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The ABC Consensus Conference has established itself as the major international conference for advanced Breast Cancer, and a forum for sharing best clinical practices, inform on the latest scientific updates in the field and, mainly, continue, over the editions, advancing on the goal of improving outcomes for all patients with advanced breast cancer.
The ABC consensus conference started as a pioneering initiative of ESO in 2011, and from the willingness to change the abandonment feelings from ABC patients. Its primary goal is the development of international consensus guidelines for the management of advanced breast cancer patients. These guidelines are based on the most up-to date evidence and can be used to guide treatment decision making in many different health care settings globally, with the necessary adaptations due to different access to care. Throughout the years, these guidelines have been endorsed by several international and European organizations, and several organizations around the world have been adapting them to their country specific environment, particularly in terms of accessibility.

At ABC8, all topics will be presented from the perspective of a multidisciplinary and multi-professional approach, from basic research to clinical implementation. The conference will again close with a consensus session where discussion will focus on updating the ABC guidelines.

We are very much looking forward to meeting again face-to-face and come together as a global community at ABC8 in Lisbon, 6-8 November 2025!

The ABC8 programme will be availabe soon.

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