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Fatima CardosoFatima Cardoso
Breast Unit
Champalimaud Clinical Center
Lisbon, PT


Honorary Chairs


Eric P. WinerEric P. Winer
Breast Oncoloy Center Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Boston, US
Larry NortonLarry Norton
Breast Cancer Programs
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre
New York, US
Alberto CostaAlberto Costa
European School of Oncology
Milan IT and Bellinzona, CH



Ranjit KaurRanjit Kaur
Breast Cancer Welfare Association, Pataling Jaya, MY

Scientific Committee Members


Carlos H. BarriosCarlos H. Barrios
Department of Medicine, PUCRS School of Medicine, Porto Alegre, BR






Prudence A. FrancisPrudence A. Francis
Division of Cancer Medicine, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, AU

Laura BiganzoliLaura Biganzoli

Department of Medical Oncology, Sandro Pitigliani Oncology Centre, Prato, IT






Shani Paluch-ShimonShani Paluch-Shimon
Hadassah University Hospital - Sharett Institute of Oncology Jerusalem, IL

Lisa CareyLisa Carey

UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, Chapel Hill, US








To be announced soon

Consensus Panellist

To be announced soon

Breast Cancer Patient Advocacy Committee

To be announced soon




VAT/NIPC 515 732 230