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ABC3 Programme


9:00 Breast cancer patient advocacy session:
Worldwide survey and call to action (Chairs: F. Cardoso, PT and D. “CJ” M. Corneliussen-James, US)    
  • Welcome and introduction (D. “CJ” M. Corneliussen-James, US)
• The mBCVision 2025 Project: why, how and what? (S. Chaudhuri, US)
• Main findings of the mBCVision 2025 Project (F. Cardoso, PT)
• Main findings of the mBCVision 2025 Project: implications for patients (D. “CJ” M. Corneliussen-James, US)
• Discussion on call to action points (F. Cardoso, PT and D. “CJ” M. Corneliussen-James, US)
10:30 Coffee break
10:30-11:00 Breast cancer patient advocacy session:
“I am Anna” Video presentation and viewing (S. Ginsberg, CA and A. Craig, CA)
Breast cancer patient advocacy session:
Specific issues of young women with advanced breast cancer (Chairs: E. Papadopoulos, CY and D. Spence, AU)
  • Introduction (E. Papadopoulos, CY)
• Presentation of key issues (L. Travado, PT)
  - Relationships/sexuality/personality/social image - how women relate to themselves,
    their partners and their social networks
  - Practical issues- work, finances, home support, including childcare
  - Emotional concerns of those close to you, including children, partners, parents
• What are the requirements to assist women to address these issues? (D. Spence, AU)• Empowering women (E. Papadopoulos, CY)
• Q+A session (D. Spence, AU)
• Closing remarks (D. Spence, AU)
11:00 Sponsored satellite symposium 2 
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Opening session (Chairs: F. Cardoso, PT and L. Norton, US)  
  • Welcome to Lisbon (Maria Cavaco Silva, First Lady of the Portuguese Republic)
• Opening and introduction (F. Cardoso, PT)
• Keynote lecture: METAvivor: fighting prejudice! (D. “CJ” M. Corneliussen-James, US)
14:25 Optimal management of HER-2+ ABC (Chairs: Shinji Ohno, JP and E.P. Winer, US)
  • Is there an optimal treatment sequence? (S.M. Swain, US)
• Resistance to anti-HER-2 agents: what's new (I.E. Krop, US)
• Long term survivors specific issues (K. Gelmon, CA)
• Long term survivors: living on borrowed time (S.A. Mertz, US)
• Discussion
15:30 Best abstract presentations (Chairs: A. Costa, IT/CH and K.A. Sabelko, US)
  • Unmet psychosocial and quality of life needs of patients living with metastatic breast cancer (M. Hurlbert, US)
• No impact of increasing symptoms on quality of life? Longitudinal data from the German MALIFE-Project on patients receiving monochemo- and endocrine treatment for advanced breast cancer – results from the TMK registry group (N. Marschner, DE)
• CTL and IgG response to tumor-associated antigens as predictive factors of therapeutic peptide vaccination for patients with metastatic recurrent breast cancer (U. Toh, JP)
16:15 Coffee break
16:15 Breast cancer patient advocacy session:
“I am Anna” Q+A session based on the video screened in the morning * (S. Ginsberg, CA and A. Craig, CA)* ”I am Anna”:
The video tells the insightful story of Anna Craig: a mother, wife, artist, architect and young woman living with metastatic breast cancer. The film follows Anna’s inspiring journey to create her legacy by building an addition to her house that fulfils her artistic dreams and leaves something special for her family. Through this process we also watch her help to build a support network for young metastatic women. I AM ANNA is produced by Rethink Breast Cancer.
The video is screened in the morning and, in the afternoon, the presenters will hold a questions and answers session.
16:40 New drugs, new side effects (Chairs: E. Papadopoulos, CY and E. Senkus-Konefka, PL)
  • Endocrine (A. Eniu, RO)
• Pulmonary (H.S. Rugo, US)
• Immunologic alterations (C.H. Barrios, BR)
• The role of Patient Reported Outcomes (L. Fallowfield, UK)
17:40 ABC Award and Lecture (Chair: L. Norton, US; Awardee: R.E. Coleman, UK)
• Living with metastatic bone disease - the positive impact of bone - targeted treatments
18:00 Breast cancer patient advocacy session:   
Advanced breast cancer symptom control (Chairs: M.J. Cardoso, PT and S.A. Mertz. US)
  • Pain medication: is it universally available to ABC patients? Is it a patient and/or human right in ABC? (A. Eniu, RO)
• Discussion (M.J. Cardoso, PT and S.A. Mertz. US)
• Barriers to active patient reporting of quality of life symptoms/outcomes in the ABC setting (L. Fallowfield, UK)
• Discussion (M.J. Cardoso, PT and S.A. Mertz. US)
18:00 Sponsored satellite symposium 3
19:30 Welcome cocktail    


9:00 Revolutionizing ER+ ABC management (Chairs: M.J. Piccart, BE and B. Xu, CN)
  • The role of CDK and PI3K/mTOR inhibitors (F. André, FR)
• ESR1 and other suspects in resistance (V. Dieras, FR)
• Is ovarian ablation mandatory in pre-menopausal ER+ ABC patients? (J. Bergh, SE)
• Discussion
  Coffee break
10:30 Triple negative: is hope around the corner? (Chairs: N.S. El Saghir, LB and Eric P. Winer, US 
  • Current optimal management (L.A. Carey, US)• Resurrecting PARP inhibition (A. Tutt, UK)
• Can immune-based therapies be the key? (G. Curigliano, IT)
• The role of androgen receptor and its inhibitors (C.A. Hudis, US)
• Discussion
11:35 New technologies and new techniques (Chairs: L.A. Carey, US and F.A. Peccatori, IT/CH)    
  • New tools in nuclear medicine: what can they offer for ABC patients (P. Flamen, BE)
• New radiotherapy techniques: application in ABC (H. Meijer, NL)
• Discussion
12:10 Supportive and palliative care (Chairs: L. Biganzoli, IT and D. Spence, AU)
  • Optimal management of fatigue (F. Roila, IT)
• Dyspnea: the hardest symptom to control? (M.S. Aapro, CH)
• Discussion
  Lunch and poster session
  The appointed faculty members will visit and discuss the posters with the presenters and participants:   
  Nursing (D. Fenech, MT and L.D. Shockney, US)
Patient advocacy (D. “CJ” Corneliussen-James, US,  M. Mayer, US, S.A. Mertz, US and E. Papodopoulos, CY)
Clinical issues: Medical oncology (J. Bergh, SE,  P.A. Francis, AU, K. Gelmon, US and O. Pagani, CH)
Clinical issues: Radiation oncology (H. Meijer, NL and E. Senkus-Konefka, PL)
Clinical issues: Surgical oncology (A. Costa, CH/IT and M.J. Cardoso, PT)
Clinical issues: Supportive and palliative care (M.S. Aapro, CH, N.S. El Saghir, A. Gennari, IT, N.S. El Saghir, LB and D.A. Vorobiof, ZA) 
Clinical issues: Other topics (C.H. Barrios, BR, A. Eniu, RO, H.S. Rugo, US and C. Thomssen, D)
Basic and translational research (F. André, FR,  V. Dieras, FR and N. Harbeck, DE)
13:45 Biology, biology, biology! (Chairs: L. Norton, US and F. Penault-Llorca, FR)
  • Circulating tumor cells and tumor DNA: are liquid biopsies a dream? (J.Y. Pierga, FR)
• Intra-tumor heterogeneity: challenges and solutions (S. Aparicio, CA)
• Patient xenograph models: can an "avatar" help? (J. Hoffmann, DE)
14:40 Clinical dilemmas in ABC (Chairs: B. Kaufman, IL and D.A. Vorobiof, ZA)  
  • Biopsy, rebiopsy and dealing with discordant results (N. Harbeck, DE)
• Is there an optimal sequence of systemic anticancer agents? (P.A. Francis, AU)
• Until when should ABC be treated? (A. Gennari, IT)
• Surgery of the primary tumor: should the recommendation be changed? (M.J. Cardoso, PT)
• Discussion
  Coffee break 
16:15 Survivorship in ABC (Chairs: D. Fenech, MT and C. Thomssen, DE)
  • What are the main issues? (O. Pagani, CH)
• Addressing the needs of ABC patients (L.D. Shockney, US)
• Surviving ABC: the patient voice (E. Papadopoulos, CY)
17:00 Affordability and access to care (Chairs: F. Cardoso, PT and M. Mayer, US)       
  • The cost of advanced breast cancer (D.G. Taylor, UK)
• Are drugs really the main issue? (D.G. Taylor, UK)
• Can we really apply international guidelines in limited resources countries? (G.S. Bhattacharyya, IN)
• Is a two-speed (rich vs poor) oncology inevitable? (G.W. Sledge, US)
18:00 Breast cancer patient advocacy session:   
ABC Advocacy: wrap-up and call to action (Chairs: M. Beishon, UK and M. Mayer, US)
  • Quality of life and MBCVision overview
• Small group discussion of key issues
• Report from small groups and call to action
18:00 Sponsored satellite symposium 4 


8:30 Consensus session (part I) (ABC3 Chairs and Panellists)
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Report from ABC Patient Advocacy Committee (S.A. Mertz, US)
11:15 Consensus session (part II) (ABC3 Chairs and Panellists)
12:45-13:00 Close


Poster session

BP: Best poster presentation; PO: Poster presentation

Metastatic breast cancer in Canada: waiting for treatment. Niya Chari, CA
BP52 Is there a different treatment response between visceral and non-visceral metastatic breast cancer: a systematic literature review of registration trials. Rachel Würstlein, DE
Electrochemotherapy in the treatment of cutaneous metastases from breast cancer: a multicenter cohort analysis. Roberto Agresti, IT
BP129 Insulin resistance (IR) and prognosis of metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients. Nicoletta Provinciali, IT
PO39 Effective advocacy for women with metastatic breast cancer: a European perspective. Susan Knox, IT
PO40 Unmet needs of Australian women with metastatic breast cancer with financially dependent children: the consumer perspective. Danielle Spence, AU
PO41 Middle Eastern ABC/MBC patients: overcoming the triple-burden of stigmatization, lack of information and recurrent illness. Rania Azmi, KW
PO42    Make your dialogue count survey: addressing communication gaps between patients with advanced breast cancer, their caregivers and oncologists and understanding information and emotional needs to improve treatment and side effect management. Helen L. Coons, US
“Fight, live, keep smiling”: the first Italian blog about metastatic breast cancer (MBC) addressed to the general public. A quali-quantitative analysis of all the comments posted online on the blog of the Europa Donna Italia MBC Working Group. Francesca Balena, IT
In Our Shoes: raising the voices of MBC patients. Lori Marx-Rubiner, US
Information needs of young women with metastatic breast cancer to manage their treatment, side effects and clinical trials. Medha Sutliff, US
PO46 I AM ANNA: Exploring metastatic breast cancer through the eyes of a young woman. Shawna Ginsberg, CA
PO47 Identifying deficits and needs from stakeholders about palliative care issues.
PO48 Terminology used in advanced breast cancer and the need for consistency. Maria Leadbeater, UK
Clinical impact of metronomic oral combination chemotherapy with capecitabine and cyclophosphamide in patients with metastatic breast cancer. Miwa Fujihara, JP
A retrospective multicenter observation study in metastatic breast cancer patients: comparative analysis on efficacy of eribulin mesylate with taxane regimens (including combination with bevacizumab). Yasuko Kikuchi, JP
PO55 Efficacy and safety of eribulin in anthracycline and taxane-pretreated patients: Russian experience. Elena Kovalenko, RU
PO56 BOLERO-4: A phase 2, open-label, multicenter, single-arm trial investigating the efficacy and safety of first-line everolimus (EVE) in combination with letrozole (LET) in postmenopausal patients (pts) with estrogen receptor–positive (ER+), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2–negative (HER2-) metastatic or locally advanced unresectable breast cancer (BC). Thomas Bachelot, FR
PO57 Clinical efficacy of LH-RH analogue plus aromatase inhibitor in premenopausal women with estrogen receptor–positive advanced breast cancer: a single-institution retrospective study. Toshiaki Utsumi, JP
PO58 Does previous neoadjuvant/adjuvant trastuzumab influence the disease outcome of metastatic HER2 positive breast cancer patients treated with first line trastuzumab and chemotherapy. Snezana Milosevic, RS
PO59 Durable remissions with trastuzumab treatment for HER2 positive metastatic breast cancer - single center experience. Zoran Tomasevic, RS
PO60 The role of lapatinib in the management of HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer: a review of a single institution’s experience during the trastuzumab and lapatinib era. Junichiro Watanabe, JP
Oral vinorelbine in combination with trastuzumab as a first line therapy of metastatic or locally advanced Her2-positive breast cancer. Fadi Farhat, LB
First line trastuzumab-based therapy in HER2-positive metastatic cancer patients presenting with de novo or recurrent disease: a multicenter retrospective cohort study. Matteo Lambertini, IT
PO63 Cure in metastatic breast cancer: an aggressive approach does not appear to be the key to the black box. Uwe Güth, CH
PO64 Metronomic chemotherapy (CHT) combination of vinorelbine (VRL) and capecitabine (CAPE) in HER2- advanced breast cancer (ABC) patients (pts) does not impair Global QoL. First results of the VICTOR-2 study. Marina Elena Cazzaniga, IT
PO65 Phase II trial of metronomic combination chemotherapy with oral regimen in heavily pretreated metastatic breast cancer. Prasanna Rammohan, IN
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced breast cancer: a solution to avoid mastectomy. Mahmoud A. Elhussini, EG
PO67 Neo-adjuvant hormonal therapy for locally advanced breast cancer. Lika Katselashvili, GE
Triple negative breast cancer - Neoadjuvant chemotherapy response evaluation with taxane/anthracycline protocol - Single centre 5 years experience. Judy Vicente de Paolo, PT
PO69 Brachial plexopathy in metastatic breast cancer: a review of patient characteristics and diagnosis in an Irish tertiary referral centre. Connor O'Leary, IE
PO70 Estrogen receptor as a negative predictor of complete pathological response in HER2 positive locally advanced breast cancer. Rita Canario, PT
PO71 Monitoring therapy response in metastatic breast cancer using tumour markers CA15-3 and TPS. Marie Sundquist, SE
PO72 Therapeutic effect prediction based on biomarkers in the pleural effusion specimens of breast cancer patients. Rikiya Nakamura, JP
Outpatient catumaxomab therapy in metastatic breast cancer patients suffering from malignant effusions due to peritoneal or pleural carcinomatosis: a single institution experience. Christian M. Kurbacher, DE
PO74 Which is more beneficial as an initial therapy for the first distant metastasis of breast cancer: chemotherapy or endocrine therapy for hormone receptor-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative breast cancer patients?: A single-center study. Jun Yamamura, JP
The CTPET/MDST ratio: an introduction of a quantitative measure of effective palliative endocrine therapy in metastatic breast cancer. Uwe Güth, CH
Therapeutic strategy for recurrent HER2-positive breast cancer patients. Akimasa Nishimura, JP
PO77    Locally advanced breast cancer In young female. The Egyptian National Cancer Institute experience. Amany Helal, EG
PO78 Elderly women and breast cancer: characterization of treatment practices. Diana Freitas, PT
PO79 Elderly metastatic breast cancer at diagnosis: a single institution experience. Amanda Nobre Carvalho, PT
PO80 Elevated neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio predicts worse survival outcome after recurrence for patients with triple negative breast cancer. Toshiaki Iwase, JP
PO81 Compliance and persistence to palliative endocrine therapy in metastatic breast cancer. Uwe Güth, CH
PO82 Epidemiology and therapeutic management of metastatic breast cancer in Bulgaria: a retrospective cohort study. Konstanta Timcheva, BG
PO83 Current status of the management of advanced RH+/Her2- breast cancer in Morocco. Narjiss Berrada, MA
PO96 Characterisation of breast cancer brain metastases through a 21-year period – a study from the Swedish Association of Breast Oncologists (SABO). Anna Thulin, SE
PO97 Brain metastases in HER2- positive breast cancer patients: a single institute experience. Tahir Mehmood, PK
Is brain metastases location associated with prognosis in breast cancer patients? Karolina Widera, PL
PO99 Treatment outcomes of breast cancer brain metastases. Ivica Ratosa, SI
IMRT-SIB for locally advanced inoperable breast cancer patients. Karolina Widera, PL
PO101 Prognostic factors after gamma knife radiosurgery in breast cancer patients with brain metastases. Shoko Hayama, JP
PO104 The surgical management of lung nodules in breast cancer patients. Kazuo Matsuura, JP
PO105 Success and failure of primary medical, non-operative management in patients who present with stage IV breast cancer. Uwe Güth, CH
PO106 N2 lymph nodes post-primary chemotherapy may predict recurrence in locally advanced breast cancer. Carol Ann Benn, ZA
Surgical resection of the primary tumor is associated with increased long-term survival in patients with stage IV breast cancer. Anna Sukhotko, RU
Novel and safe techniques in immediate breast reconstruction for locally advanced breast cancer, particularly inflammatory breast cancer. Marisse Venter, ZA
PO109 The impact of locoregional treatment of primary metastatic breast cancer. Roman Liubota, UA
 PO110 Metastases of lobular breast carcinoma in the terminal ileum and ileocaecal valve. Sala Abdalla, UK
PO112 Efficacy of NEPA, the first combination antiemetic agent, in patients with breast cancer receiving anthracycline/cyclophosphamide (AC) or non-AC chemotherapy. Hope Rugo, US
PO114 Using of hepatoprotectors in the drug treatment of patients with advanced breast cancer. Jamshid Ibragimov, UZ
PO115 The emotional toll of metastatic breast cancer on young women. Medha Sutliff, US
PO116 The last quarter of a honeymoon - A wedding’s story. Jose Pereira, PT
PO117 Can we make a portrait of women with inoperable locally advanced breast cancer? The experience of the Breast Unit of Southern Switzerland (CSSI). Giacomo Montagna, CH
Sodium fluoride PET/CT: a superior imaging modality in evaluation of osseous metastatic disease. Emily Harrold, IE
PO130 Clinical utility of the expression of HER3, HER4, PTEN and IGF1R in HER2-positive advanced or metastatic breast cancer. Hiroki Ito, JP
Heterogeneity in the expression of hormone receptors and HER2 between the primary breast cancer and pulmonary metastasis. Masako Sato, JP
Apoptotic activities of recombinant cell surface receptor fas within tumor microenvironment of breast carcinoma. Medhat M. Anwar, EG
Differential expression of plasma membrane proteins in inflammatory breast cancer via stable isotope labeled amino acids in culture (SILAC). Michelle M. Martinez-Montemayor, PR
PO134 Analysis of primary breast cancer (BC) expression of programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) receptor and programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) to determine associations with clinical characteristics and outcomes. Neelima Vidula, US
PO135 At a glance the BRCAs epigenetic study in Padang, west Sumatera, Indonesia. Wirsma A. Harahap, ID
PO138 P-cadherin: a candidate biomarker for axillary-based breast cancer decisions in clinical practice. Maria Rita Dionisio, PT 
Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B (RANK) expression in primary breast cancer  correlates with recurrence free survival and development of bone metastases in the I-SPY 1 trial (CALGB 150007/150012; ACRIN 6657). Neelima Vidula, US
PO140 Changing in tumor biology of triple negative breast cancer between primary and metastatic lesions. Marijana Milovic-Kovacevic, RS
PO141 Sucessfull use of HER2 targeted agents in patients with heavily pretreated HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer presenting with elevated serum levels of the HER2 extracellular domain and/or HER2 overexpressing circulating tumor cells. Christian M. Kurbacher, DE
PO142 Evolution of the expression of circulating tumor cells (CTC) and CK-19 mRNA (CK19) as prognostic factors in heavily pretreated metastatic breast cancer. Serafin Murillo Morales, ES
Prognostic impact of circulating tumor cell clusters and apoptosis in metastatic breast cancer. Sara Jansson, SE
PO144 Synergistic antitumor effects of crocin combined with hyperthermia on breast cancer cells. Reyhane Hoshyar, IR
PO145 ICORG 13-01 ABC survey: are we meeting the needs of patients with advanced breast cancer (ABC) in Ireland? A nationwide survey. Jodie E. Battley, IE


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