Legal terms
Copyright on contents
All contents of this website belong and are available under licence, ABC Global Alliance and are protected by the laws on copyright and connected rights.
Total or partial reproduction of these contents, including translation and any other form of broadcast to the public is forbidden.
All contents of this website have an informative purpose, and can't be used as working documents and/or official statements.
Usage conditions
Users are authorized to use contents of this website only if:
- Contents are not copied, distributed on any computer or computer network, or transmitted by any communication channel without written authorization of ABC Global Alliance and, furthermore, they must not be modified.
- The following statement "© ABC Global Alliance Copyright. All rights reserved" appears in any of the reproduced copies.
- Usage of contents is only meant to have an informative and not a commercial purpose.
Under no circumnstances ABC Global Alliance will be held responsible for any harm or damage deriving from, or in any way connected to, the functioning of this website and the usage of the information displayed, including documents or links.