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Best of ABC Meeting

About the Best ABC Meeeting

The ABC Global Alliance is grateful to the members of the international community who are interested in organising a Best of ABC Meeting and therefore raise awareness about the needs and challenges faced by this traditionally underserved and forgotten group of patients and the ABC Global Alliance efforts in this field.

Here below are the Best of ABC Meetings organised or that will be held in the future:

Best of ABC7 LATAM 2024
9 November 2024, Lima, Peru 

Best of ABC6 LATAM 2022
5 November 2022, Lima, Peru

Best of ABC Meeting
18–19 May 2018, Lima, Peru
Website: www.mastologiaperu.org

Best of ABC Meeting
8 September 2018, Dublin, Ireland

To organise a Best of ABC Meeting licence by the ABC Global Allianceis required. For further information, please contact info@abcglobalalliance.org.

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