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Travel grants

The deadline for applications has passed. Due to the high volume of applications received the selection process is taking longer than expected. The outcome of the applications will be notified by 11 July 2023.

Travel grants assigned on a competitive basis by ABC Global Alliance are made available to:

  • Physicians from low, lower middle and upper middle income economies as defined by The World Bank*
  • Physicians under the age of 40
  • Nurses
  • Patient advocates
  • Patient advocates, nurses and HCPs from Ukraine

*Emerging economies/World Bank Rate: applies to individuals from low and low-middle-income economies according to the World Bank listing.Low Income EconomiesLow-Middle Income Economies


Travel grant recipients interested in attending the event in-person will receive a set amount to contribute to their travel and accommodation expenses, whilst registration will be processed directly by the organisers. The following amounts will be refunded by bank transfer after the Conference:

  • EUR 750 for participants coming from Europe, Middle-East and North-Africa;
  • EUR 1.250 for participants coming from other regions and overseas.

Travel grant recipients interested in attending the event online will be granted a free registration to access the Congress Virtual Platform.

VAT/NIPC 515 732 230