ABC Award
The ABC Award is aimed at recognising a researcher, physician, nurse, patient advocate, or organisation that has made an outstanding and impacting contribution in the field of advanced breast cancer throughout his/her career.
The 2023 ABC Award – in recognition of her tireless work to improve the care of breast cancer patients, and metastatic breast cancer patients in particular, around the world, with an expertise in navigation, survivorship, patient-centred care, quality of life, end-of-life planning and care (with emphasis on the powerful MBC Retreats), improving the cancer patient’s experience and clinical outcomes, but also as public speaker and author of many books – will be assigned to Lillie Shockney during the award session on Thursday, 9 November.
The 2021 ABC Award - in recognition of her outstanding advocacy work for all ABC patients worldwide, accomplished through the Metastatic Breast Cancer Network, the Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance and more recently the Advanced Breast Cancer Global Alliance - was assigned to Shirley A. Mertz.
The 2019 ABC Award - in recognition of her foresight in understanding the importance of advanced breast cancer and for launching a Global Alliance against it - was assigned to Fatima Cardoso.
The 2017 ABC Award - in recognition for her work and dedication to advocacy specifically to advanced breast cancer patients - was assigned to Musa Mayer.
The 2015 ABC Award - in recognition for his work on metastatic breast cancer, especially improving the management of metastatic cancer to bone, resulting in preservation and improvement in quality of life of patients worldwide - was assigned to Robert E. Coleman.
The 2013 ABC Award - in recognition of his work on discovering fundamental, clinically-relevant biological and molecular mechanisms for metastases including site specificity, latency, self-seeding and the role of the microenvironment in colonization and drug resistance - was assigned to Joan Massagué.
Call for nominations
For the sixth ABC Award, nominations submitted by 12 June 2023 to will be assessed.
Nomination process:
- The nominee must not have already received the ABC Award.
- The award recipient will be chosen on the basis of his/her accomplishment. No bearing will be given to his/her race, gender, nationality, religious or political views.
- Nominees may not nominate themselves.
- If any of the members of the ABC Scientific Committee is nominated, he/she will excuse him/herself from all the nomination discussion, selection and approval.
- The final selection will be made by the ABC7 Chairs and Scientific Committee.
Nominations should be submitted through a letter which should:
- Be limited to 1.000 words.
- Include a concise description of the candidate’s/organisation’s accomplishments and a description of how this contribution has changed practice in the field of advanced breast cancer. The letter may refer to publications.
- Biosketch of the nominated person/Background information about the nominated organisation.
The recipient will receive an award certificate and will be invited to make a presentation during ABC7.
The outcome of the nominations will be communicated by 17 July 2023.