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ABC Guidelines

The ABC guidelines are based on the most up-to-date evidence and can be used and adapted to guide treatment decisions in many different healthcare settings globally. They are updated at each biennial Advanced Breast Cancer International Consensus Conference, which has established itself as a major international breast cancer conference with the primary aim of developing international consensus guidelines for the management of ABC.The ABC Consensus Conference's primary goal is the development of international consensus guidelines for the management of advanced breast cancer patients. These guidelines are based on the most up-to-date evidence and can be used to guide treatment decision-making in many different healthcare settings globally, with the necessary adaptations due to different access to care. Throughout the years, these guidelines have been endorsed by several international and European oncology organisations, such as EUSOMA (European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists), ESTRO (European Society of Radiation Oncology), ESGO (European Society of Gynaecological Oncology), UICC (Union International Contre le Cancer), SIS (Senologic International Society), ISS (International School of Senology), FLAM (Federación Latino-Americana de Mastología), OECI (Organisation of European Cancer Institutes), Susan G. Komen and BCRF (Breast Cancer Research Foundation), and have official representation from ASCO. Several organisations around the world have been adapting these guidelines to their country specific environment, particularly in terms of accessibility.




Please see the previous editions of this guidelines on this page.


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