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Dear Colleagues and Members

of the breast cancer global community

The bi-annual Advanced Breast Cancer International Consensus Conference has firmly established itself as a major global event dedicated to advancing breast cancer discussions. Its primary objective is to formulate international consensus guidelines for the optimal management of advanced breast cancer (ABC). These guidelines, grounded in the latest evidence, serve as a valuable resource for guiding treatment decisions across diverse healthcare settings worldwide, acknowledging necessary adaptations due to varying access to care.

Over the years, these guidelines have been endorsed by prestigious international and European oncology organizations including EUSOMA (European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists), ESTRO (European Society of Radiation Oncology), ESGO (European Society of Gynaecological Oncology), UICC (Union International Contre le Cancer), SIS (Senologic International Society), ISS (International School of Senology), FLAM (Federación Latino-Americana de Mastología), OECI (Organisation of European Cancer Institutes), Susan G. Komen, BCRF (Breast Cancer Research Foundation), and official representation from ASCO. Globally, numerous organizations have adapted these guidelines to their specific country contexts, particularly addressing issues of accessibility.


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